Thursday, 14 April 2011


We all like to stay at comfort zone and so comfortable to get out of it.Life has changed tremendously since I have devoted into my career.Everyday I will wake up at 5 am and drive to work at 630.Hit the gym in the morning,continue work until night and find time to hit the gym again in the evening.That's what i called my COMFORT ZONE.The more and more work has been assigned,i get excited*running here and there,meetings and to be honest,I miss to blogggggg!!Hello earthlings!

At some point,my energy is draining.I spend most of my weekend sleeping and of course make up time for family and friends.Life has been pretty much exciting and syukur,I am at the stage of building up my career in corporate banking which is really challenging.I spend most of my time reading The Edge,economics,current relevant issues,reading Bursa and business side.I talk about business,gdp,current growth and yada yada.Boring innit!In order for me to survive in this competitive world,all I need is to fill myself with knowledge and undergo the extreme hardship.

Despite work,most of my friends are all settling down.They took another step in life and found their happiness.If you ask me,have i found the one.The answer is no.I have broken so many hearts and finding the perfect shoes to fit in is relatively the most hardest part now.Aisyah's got married in Feb and it was the most teary moment for us(the gang).The commitment is really tough for me.The moment Aisyah was solemnized by her dad,we all cried.But really,commitment is really scaring me to be honest.

Here's some pictures taken during the business convention and annual dinner for the company I am committing with : Affin Bank Berhad:)

I'll promise you to fill ur weekend with more in future.Have a good ahead:)
