I barely realized my blog has been dumped.*Shuussshh*Work has taken over my life and how I myself am in love with work at the moment.Being the newly appointed ARM after 6 months of rotation within the bank has taught me real corporate world.Everyday i learnt new things,meeting new people and of course expanding network.It is like pure satisfaction.Thrufully i am so thankful to be here in corporate banking.My boss to be precised,he is one hell-workaholic-chinese man.He taught me to understand what is corporate,brought me to the meeting,dragged me to site visit while im wearing skirt(which is so not appropriate).He is just one genuine man who boost my motivation level as well as the team members.Besides that,I am now officially gym-freaks.My routine life has changed.I'll be in the gym after working hours until 8 and straight heading home(GYM is for the sake of loosing weight).So the circle will be:-
Sleep,wake up,breakfast,work work work,lunch,work work work,GYM, home sweet home.
There were so many things happened.Raya was incredible.This year the whole family(Mama,Papa& Me) were in blue.1st raya we were in KL and head back to Malacca on the 2nd raya.My nieces all get excited to see me with the camera.They were like went all out to pose here and there.Sheesh,kids are amazing creation.Being the only aunt(who doesn't look older),they treated me as friend.Oh well,it is the secret to look younger tho!
Work has been quite extreme past few weeks, but nonetheless, I'm still adapting.Now i appreciate how my Auditor friends,Banker,Accountants diverge their time to live in this real world.I loveee u all la big time!Although energy is draining,sometimes,u just need to balance with work,relationship and friendship.And sometimes, one thought leads to another, and another, and another two, and it goes on till I almost lose it especially my FUN life!My weekend has been spared for parent.That's it.
Anyway,these couple of weeks I have been attending friend's wedding as well as my long time best dude friend,Zhafir.Yes,he's married to Darsy.Tears streaming on my face when he texted me " I'm about to get married in few hours time.Doakan aku..".Zhafir met his destiny after a long await.Congrats my dearest bestie since 14.
Everyone has been asking my relationship.I must admit being 25 is way harder than 23.Every occasion which related to families,the same question popped,like " bila nak kawen?".Every now and then,I tried to make myself available to date,its just no " jodoh" at the mo.Allah has given me my true happiness which is career.Maybe later for my destiny?:P
On the other hand,bestie(Aysha)is about to engage in 1 month time.I feel honoured to be part of her engagement.We normally on the phone and discuss abt this that especially big matter.Another Aishah also getting married in Feb which us(the girls) are her flowergirls.Material is to be sent to tailor pronto.Besides that,my high school bestie, Shikin, gave birth to Zahra Amanda before Eid.Still can't believe she is a mother now.We were bimbos who tend to yell to each other.Haha.High school memories=)
These are people you can run to when you're stress or even when all you want to do is annoy them in the face and tell them happy stories.Friends and family complete me.I am human.We made mistakes and what is the most important thing is to cherish the friendship.I'm still in searching of perfect shoes ..
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