Tuesday, 20 November 2007

i still remember NOVEMBER

november 2006.

him.in random.a dedication to a friend of mine.

the one i met as a fren.the one who told me to take care of myself.the one who fetch me and asked me to park my car in hostel.the one who brought medicine when i had headache.the one who washed dishes at my hse.the one who baked me strawberry cheese cake.the one who listened to my advise.the one i share my past.the one who's on my side when his friends make fun of me.the one who sent me to my friend's place n pick me up when it was raining.the one who brought my books.the one who has hidden smile.the one who lepak infront of kolej seroja in the car.the one who gave me flower.the one who wore same colour during his open hse.the one who took me out for breakfast.the one who companied me at 14 studying.the one who read me his own poem.the one who watched me behind when nuha bwk scooter.the one who refused to b a fren again when i told him i cant.the one who yelled to me why cant i understand u.the one who dedicated samson's song bukan lah diriku to me during our last paper last june.the one who nor n i made suprised to him on his birthday n he just said thanks.the one i waited his call n sms on my birthday.the one i couldnt say gud bye before i left.the one dat passed his papers.the one i miss so much as a fren.

hope u doing well there.i still remember what had happened btw us in november.