Sunday, 14 October 2012

think HAPPY,be HAPPY

I know its often mentioned how fast time goes, but seriously...where has this year gone? I can remember so clearly, this time last year when I was chilling and I had nothing to do during the weekend after long days of weekdays, so randomly decided to start blogging again. And it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not being dramatic here. It definitely was after having awful heart broken. It has made me really appreciate everything I have around me and everything I am grateful to have in my life, because I am constantly looking for the little things which make me happy. The little things like the smell of rain, lazy sunday mornings, extra chocolately hot mocha, cuddles with your mum, long chats with your dad, hilarious giggle fests at home, catching up with girlfriends,shopping with mum,doing my routine spa, and not least being the busy with good friend's wedding.

Just a few little things that always put a smile on my face every weekend to hide my sorrow.

When I was younger, I didn't realize the difference between happiness and positive thinking.Happiness you don't always have a control but positive thinking do. I was once a negative person and judgmental until I had my heart broken after years of suffering the unjustifiable relationship.To be positive,it is initially a struggle which took me a while.A lot has changed for me especially over the past one year and it's made me see the positive thinking is a learning process.

Through reading on happiness and taking a more proactive interest in personal development, i started to realize that positive thinking could, in fact,be learned.Happiness, at least half of it, is made by positive thinking.In an attempt to be positive at some point, I managed to practically apply it on my day to day job.When I faced a difficulties doing my work,my initial thoughts were no longer to give up although sometimes I do.Instead,I looked for the good in the bad.

Changing the default setting from negative to positive doesn't happen overnight.It,like any skill you aren't innately blessed with,takes some time to master.I still have to work on it,to constantly sharpen my skill. Practicing positive thinking is the only way to make almost effortless part of your life.

p/s : I was forced to write this week by my corp finance dude, Firdaus. So dude, this is for you! Be happy always and you owe me juice for making me writing after long tiring weekend.
