Monday, 9 December 2013


I wanted it to be okay to be perpetually in the middle, always growing and learning. I wanted to share myself openly—successes and struggles. And I wanted to learn from other people who were open to doing the same.Last Friday, I was lucky to be at the talk I have been wanting to go. The place where everyone gather every Friday to just only sit and listen to Habib Ali. Apparently, on that day itself, I was told Habib Umar from Yamen is going to be there.

When I first reached there, the crowds was MasyaAllah. It was a wonderful experience I have experienced besides been in Masjidil Haram and Madinah last year.

To some degree, I think we all do want something good to be instilled.One thing that makes life so complex is that most of us spend a lot of time searching for something—those things that will make us feel happy, proud, and meaningful.I found the additional pill to make me happy for now.Alhamdulillah.