Wednesday 18 July 2007

a day out.

well,im done wit my break for this sem fr july to application to do finance have been submitted as well.waiting fr the dec intake.cant decide anything meantime.mama asked me to check for the shortest degree i might do.ozie n dublin r the options but as i mentioned,only this aug 20 can decide.went out wit aysha who sweetly jump over to kl.we had our lunch at italiannies.spg meantballs sedap amat n the bread pudding very tempting but we lack of time coz we were rushing to mariana's prod.then we heading to uniten to meet up akma.sent off aysha to komuter n mamam lagi at im quite SERABOTS wit so many things..have to juggle up wit my studies,interviews and bla bla.miss my internship test today ay british msian tobacco coz i dun have any info abt the company.all i want to FINISH UP MY STUDIES n work appropriately!!
the lesson dat i learnt fr the things happened is dat,WHATEVER U WANT IN UR LIFE,DO IT WIT PASSIONATE.....:))