Congratulation Jihan for winning 2nd place in Raja Lawak 3 recently.I am so proud of u Kakak!Jihan,used to be a big sista to me.She treated me like adik.We used to lepak and gelak2 together..She is totally LAWAK gels!I met her back in 2005 when some shit happened.Basically i have no connection with her,but she was the one who told me every details of the shit.excuse me for using SHIT because mmg la sgt trok.Thank u Jihan for being place for me to shelter.I used to pick her up at office,went lepak minum2 in Shah Alam,went to watch her theatre under Fauziah Nawi,did crazy things and sleepover at her place.Thosedays was really good tau!Currently she dates with Ungku and Im so happy for her.A lil note for Jihan,I sgt lah delightful u berjaya jihaaannnn!Dreams come true.
Another fantabulous story is that i am finished with assignments.results?i have no idea.Lets pray for the best.I have 7 weeks left to final exam.Tawakal jer with the assignments and panjatkan doa for my final.Kena kick my ass to study.Yesterday i didnt revise anything.went to Grafton Hall(Syira,Wa,Ca,Aza)'s place for dinner plus photogedik.Ohhh please.byk gossips and match making.heh.No timeeee to layan pls!
Thats about it.Will catch up later.More pics facebook la kan!Off to city kejap.
Toodless Lovies-----<@
Oh dear..u kenal jihan!
She was great kt raja lawak she's improve a lot week to week.
Even sll bottom 3,at last jihan pegi final jugak.
One more final jihan sgt cantek ok!
she wore 60's dress.
No time to layan? Are you sure my dear? wakakaka. layankan je la kema oiii
remember we were chatting dekat fb,
and i told u my mum suke bebenor la
si jihan ni.. hehe funny!! darl,
all the best for final dear!!!!
Meen and Lala dear,
Jihan tu mmg lawak.very nice and nnt i ajak lepak with u girls.akan pecah perot.nnt lala u kwen i ajak dier k!meeeennn sedih la tak dpt g ur wedding.
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