So, how did I turn my life around? It all started out when I received my raya gift from my beloved blonde,Zara.
There are many hadith of the same import showing that having love for someone for the sake of Allah is an act of great merit, which grants one the opportunity of doing good in this world and being in exalted company in the Hereafter.
It took a lot of reading and introspection, but I got there. And, here's the thing, I'm getting better every day. It's an amazing process. The defining moment of my transformation.To love for the sake of Allah SWT.
I have spent years to find out what is love and what does it takes to be loved.Trying to figure out what is the most greatest love of all.Throughout my break up and darkness,I have lived to believe that relationship towards human (exclude parents) can make me happy.I blamed myself for all those things happened and chasing for it until I lose it.
Since it would probably take a long, long time to go through all of my favourite lines in the book, I've decided to highlight a few of the messages that really stuck out to me when reading "Sesungguhnya Cinta Itu Indah".Love is one of the greatest blessings from Allah.He has given us the most beautiful life to experience and cherish it.But,in reality,we never being thankful for what He has awarded.
Life is filled with light and dark, perfectly lit paths and dark, winding roads. We're all aware of the good and the bad, but we don't always remember that we can make the most of the darkness and, in fact, we can make even the darkest times brighter if we choose to take any of the actions.We have forgotten that Allah is there to listen,to grant the wishes and to save us from walking in the dark for the whole entire life.
I was taught to pray and recite Yassin everytime I feel down.Never stop the "doa"because that's the least I can ask from Him.When He permits it,He grant it.Allah needs nothing and is free of all deficiencies. On the other hand, people need to worship, pray, and display good morals. Even the world's most brutal, violent, and faithless person cannot harm Allah in any way, for He is the sole owner and sovereign of all that exists. Still, Allah says that He will reward those who display moral excellence.
Though I know I am not a perfect muslimah,there are things I would love to share with the readers how amazing to start and have a good relationship with Allah.Start to love Allah,then the Parents and followed by loving a stranger who Allah has written for you.Loving a person besides Allah and parents are destination.The destination is to Jannah.Once you begin to see everything beautiful as only a reflection of God's beauty,you will learn to love in the right way for His sake.
I've been trying to figure out for as long as I can remember. To be in LOVE requires work and, if you're going to work on it, you might as well have the right tools.The right tools is always to refer to Him.He knows what is the BEST for you and lead you to right path.I have struggled to desperately find what I really want in a relationship with a human and in the end I failed to get what I want.Then I realized,my failure was due to myself.It is me who failed to accept Qada' and Qadar.I have devoted too much on human rather than HIM.
This book is highly recommended as a pleasure although the language used by the author is too deep to well understand,but trust me,it is an awesome book to awake us from our fairytale.
Jazakallah Khair.
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