Tuesday 25 December 2007


went to oxford street.cun-ted hbis the street.omg.byk shop like 10 times longer than grafton street.looking forward to go at 7am probably.tak sbr nk menyeranggggg..loved it!

christmas is sooooo dork ok.no public transport.airy,nanot n i decided to stay at nadia's hse.having blast time memakai pyjamas sajer and i tdo like 3 times.bangon,mkn n tdo.so excuse the chubby face.

till then.will update once im back to dublin.

p/s:i wanna wanna watch the romance movie ps: i love u;p....can anyone temaning i pls?hahahhaha;p


hafizaHeHe said...

eyh..ps i luv u release already? waaa x saba mau tunggu kehadirannya di msia..hihi

Akmaelinda said...

sayaaaaaaaa nak tgkkk sorang!