Friday, 30 October 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
The Irony of Love Life
Different human being has different kind of love story.As i was talking to Serene on the phone just now,she told me that "serious relationship is like investing yourself into something".You invest everything from the top to toe & your inner.Its not just trading your heart but everything in you.Your future life and family.It feels so much better feeling all these tingly feelings after you’ve fallen in love.
Love life effect your entire self.Some people changed to good things and some may not.It depends how healthy is the relationship.Relationship is built with trust and how you want to make it happen.Both are working towards good things to maintain the relationship.There’s no point being egoistic and cold-hearted, because you could’ve made such a nice memories and if you have to fight for your love,than fight for it.
You never know when you’re going to lose a person. And if you do lose your loved ones one day, at least you’re confident that they went knowing they’re loved, and you’re confident that you did everything you had to do when they were alive. Otherwise, the guilt will haunt you forever, and by then, there’s nothing you can do.
What I have learned from my past,its not easy to fall in love and get into relationship.The relationship I had before was the longest I ever had.We grew up from I-have-no-idea what is love to Yes-I-love-so-much.From adressing I- You to a proper one,from talking about silly things,we talked more on serious matter and the most was introducing to both families,extended to be precised.We shared lots of things and we have planned ahead for our future.
We were young when we were in love.Young love birds are so inmatured.Well thosedays.To be honest,to keep and maintain such a long term relationship is really tough.Its either u ended marrying the same person or you cease the relationship.After all,Allah has good plan for us.If Allah took our happiness in the relationship,He'll direct us to good things in future.I believed in Qada and Qadar.Allah is fair to hambanya.
However,the happiness I had for the years (quite long time) dissolved.One day I was happily in love and the next day I lost him.I didnt mean to blame him for everything but we both made a mistake in our life.It was the hardest part in my life to adapt everything.I didnt manage to adapt and i have gone through vulnerable things in my life.My memories couldnt be erased.
Life required you to adapt and face the real fact upon you.I learned alot from my past and yes,Love is investing your life.Once its broken,it will effect entirely.I have to get up from my big fall and walk as usual.Although its hard,this is life!Whenever you feel like life sucks, think again. Look around and you’ll see something that shines in your life.
Love life effect your entire self.Some people changed to good things and some may not.It depends how healthy is the relationship.Relationship is built with trust and how you want to make it happen.Both are working towards good things to maintain the relationship.There’s no point being egoistic and cold-hearted, because you could’ve made such a nice memories and if you have to fight for your love,than fight for it.
You never know when you’re going to lose a person. And if you do lose your loved ones one day, at least you’re confident that they went knowing they’re loved, and you’re confident that you did everything you had to do when they were alive. Otherwise, the guilt will haunt you forever, and by then, there’s nothing you can do.
What I have learned from my past,its not easy to fall in love and get into relationship.The relationship I had before was the longest I ever had.We grew up from I-have-no-idea what is love to Yes-I-love-so-much.From adressing I- You to a proper one,from talking about silly things,we talked more on serious matter and the most was introducing to both families,extended to be precised.We shared lots of things and we have planned ahead for our future.
We were young when we were in love.Young love birds are so inmatured.Well thosedays.To be honest,to keep and maintain such a long term relationship is really tough.Its either u ended marrying the same person or you cease the relationship.After all,Allah has good plan for us.If Allah took our happiness in the relationship,He'll direct us to good things in future.I believed in Qada and Qadar.Allah is fair to hambanya.
However,the happiness I had for the years (quite long time) dissolved.One day I was happily in love and the next day I lost him.I didnt mean to blame him for everything but we both made a mistake in our life.It was the hardest part in my life to adapt everything.I didnt manage to adapt and i have gone through vulnerable things in my life.My memories couldnt be erased.
Life required you to adapt and face the real fact upon you.I learned alot from my past and yes,Love is investing your life.Once its broken,it will effect entirely.I have to get up from my big fall and walk as usual.Although its hard,this is life!Whenever you feel like life sucks, think again. Look around and you’ll see something that shines in your life.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Articles from Ustaz Ahmad Adnan
Tiada kejayaan tanpa kerja dan usaha. Sejauh mana kerja dan usaha kita, sejauh itulah kejayaan yang bakal kita perolehi. Dalam satu kaedah para ulamak, disebutkan bahawa: “الجزاء من جنس العمل” (Balasan/ganjaran yang diperolehi bergantung kepada usaha/kerja yang setimpal dengannya).
Setiap sesuatu berlaku dengan ketentuan daripada Allah taala. Kenyang dan lapar adalah ketentuan Allah. Begitu juga sakit dan sihat, tenang dan resah, suka dan duka, berjaya dan gagal, susah dan senang, miskin dan kaya, hidup dan mati dan sebagainya; semuanya adalah ketentuan Allah taala. Semua ketentuan ini ada sebab-sebabnya masing-masing. Bersama Musabbabat diciptakan Asbab.
Allah taala mencipta ketentuan-ketentuannya tadi secara berpasangan dan kemudiannya ia memberi peluang kepada manusia untuk memilih/menentukan mana satu ketentuan yang ia suka atau kehendaki dengan berta’amul dengan sebab-sebab yang dicipta bersama-sama dengan semua ketentuan. Seseorang yang ingin menjadi kaya, ia hendaklah melakukan sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada kekayaan. Begitu juga dengan ketentuan yang lainnya.
Manusia boleh mengelak daripada satu ketentuan kepada satu ketentuan yang lain; daripada ketentuan yang baik kepada ketentuan yang buruk atau sebaliknya. Begitu juga manusia boleh menolak satu ketentuan dengan satu ketentuan yang lain. Berkata Imam ibnu Qayyim al Jauzi: “Orang yang benar-benar faqeh (bijaksana) ialah orang yang menolak sesuatu qadar (ketentuan) dengan qadar yang lain, mengangkat satu qadar dengan qadar yang lain dan menentang satu qadar dengan satu qadar yang lain. Bahkan manusia tidak akan berupaya untuk hidup tanpa melakukan tindakan yang sebegini. Ini kerana lapar, dahaga, sejuk dan lain-lain lagi perkara yang ditakuti dan dibimbangi oleh manusia, semuanya adalah tergolong di dalam qadar dan semua makhluk berusaha untuk menolak qadar-qadar ini dengan beralih kepada qadar-qadar yang lain (yang mengembirakan)”.
Kita boleh mengelak daripada qadar (ketentuan) gagal dengan beralih kepada qadar berjaya.Untuk sampai kepada qadar berjaya kita hendaklah berta’amul dengan sebab-sebab kejayaan iaitu usaha dan amal. Seseorang muslim diajar supaya melakukan dua amal (kerja) untuk memastikan kejayaannya:-
1. Amal anggota (الجوارح) iaitu الأخذ بالاسباب (mengambil dan melakukan segala sebab-sebab yang membawa kepada kejayaaan).
2. Amal hati (القلب) iaitu bertawakal kepada Allah dan mengharapkan pertolongannya.
Setiap sesuatu berlaku dengan ketentuan daripada Allah taala. Kenyang dan lapar adalah ketentuan Allah. Begitu juga sakit dan sihat, tenang dan resah, suka dan duka, berjaya dan gagal, susah dan senang, miskin dan kaya, hidup dan mati dan sebagainya; semuanya adalah ketentuan Allah taala. Semua ketentuan ini ada sebab-sebabnya masing-masing. Bersama Musabbabat diciptakan Asbab.
Allah taala mencipta ketentuan-ketentuannya tadi secara berpasangan dan kemudiannya ia memberi peluang kepada manusia untuk memilih/menentukan mana satu ketentuan yang ia suka atau kehendaki dengan berta’amul dengan sebab-sebab yang dicipta bersama-sama dengan semua ketentuan. Seseorang yang ingin menjadi kaya, ia hendaklah melakukan sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada kekayaan. Begitu juga dengan ketentuan yang lainnya.
Manusia boleh mengelak daripada satu ketentuan kepada satu ketentuan yang lain; daripada ketentuan yang baik kepada ketentuan yang buruk atau sebaliknya. Begitu juga manusia boleh menolak satu ketentuan dengan satu ketentuan yang lain. Berkata Imam ibnu Qayyim al Jauzi: “Orang yang benar-benar faqeh (bijaksana) ialah orang yang menolak sesuatu qadar (ketentuan) dengan qadar yang lain, mengangkat satu qadar dengan qadar yang lain dan menentang satu qadar dengan satu qadar yang lain. Bahkan manusia tidak akan berupaya untuk hidup tanpa melakukan tindakan yang sebegini. Ini kerana lapar, dahaga, sejuk dan lain-lain lagi perkara yang ditakuti dan dibimbangi oleh manusia, semuanya adalah tergolong di dalam qadar dan semua makhluk berusaha untuk menolak qadar-qadar ini dengan beralih kepada qadar-qadar yang lain (yang mengembirakan)”.
Kita boleh mengelak daripada qadar (ketentuan) gagal dengan beralih kepada qadar berjaya.Untuk sampai kepada qadar berjaya kita hendaklah berta’amul dengan sebab-sebab kejayaan iaitu usaha dan amal. Seseorang muslim diajar supaya melakukan dua amal (kerja) untuk memastikan kejayaannya:-
1. Amal anggota (الجوارح) iaitu الأخذ بالاسباب (mengambil dan melakukan segala sebab-sebab yang membawa kepada kejayaaan).
2. Amal hati (القلب) iaitu bertawakal kepada Allah dan mengharapkan pertolongannya.
* * * * *
Kita menyedari apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan untuk kejayaan kita tetapi kita tidak melakukannya. Misalnya, ramai di kalangan kita menyedari kepentingan waktu dalam menentukan kejayaan tetapi tidak ramai yang mampu menjaganya. Begitu juga ramai yang tahu perlunya tanzim, tetapi tidak ramai yang mampu menjadikan kehidupannya bertanzim. Kadang-kadang kita merancang atau meletakkan planning untuk melakukannya tetapi kita tidak berupaya memaksa diri untuk mematuhinya. Kenapakah ianya berlaku? Dimanakah silapnya???
Disinilah peri pentingnya “Keupayaan Menguasai Diri”. Orang yang berupaya menguasai dirinya dialah yang akan menempa kejayaan.
Dalam menentukan kejayaan samada dunia maupun akhirat, aset yang paling utama ialah diri kita sendiri (aqal kita, anggota kita, nafsu kita dan lidah kita). Justeru itulah keupayaan menguasai diri menjadi terlalu amat penting. Berkata Syeikh Mohd Al-Ghazali: “Manusia apabila mampu memiliki dirinya dan menguasai waktunya maka ia akan berupaya untuk melakukan banyak perkara tanpa menunggu datangnya dorongan-dorongan dari luar untuk menolongnya mencapai apa yang dicita-citakan. Dengan kekuatan dan kebolehan yang ada padanya, disertakan pula peluang yang diberikan, ia akan mampu untuk membina kehidupannya yang baru”.
As- Syeikh Sya’rawi ketika ditanya tentang rahsia kejayaan, beliau berkata: “Rahsia kejayaan ialah seseorang itu menggunakan aqalnya untuk menentukan cita-citanya. Kemudiannya dengan menggunakan aqal juga ia menggariskan jalan -jalan yang boleh menyampaikannya kepada cita-cita tersebut. Seterusnya ia menjadikan seluruh anggotanya untuk berkhidmat dan bekerja bagi memenuhi cita-citanya dengan melalui jalan-jalan yang digariskan tadi”.
* * * *
Diriwayatkan di dalam satu hadis, pada suatu hari Nabi s.a.w. masuk ke dalam masjid baginda dan mendapati seorang sahabat yang dipanggil Abu Umamah r.a. duduk termenung dalam keadaan muram pada ketika sahabat-sahabat yang lainnya bertebaran di muka bumi dengan urusan masing-masing. Lalu Nabi bertanya beliau: “Wahai Abu Umamah! Apakah masalah kamu sehingga menyebabkan kamu masih berada di dalam masjid pada saat ini?”. Abu Umamah menjawab: “Aku dirundung duka dan dibebani hutang-piutang (menyebabkan kepalaku berserabut dan susah hati). Nabi berkata kepadanya: “Mahukah kamu kalau aku ajarkan kepadamu satu doa. Jika kamu membaca doa tersebut pada waktu pagi dan petang nescaya Allah akan menghilangkan segala masalah kamu? Abu Umamah menjawab; “Sudah tentu, ya Rasulullah”. Nabi pun mengajar beliau doa di bawah:
اللهم انى أعوذ بك من الهم واالحزن، وأعوذ بك من العجز والكسل، وأعوذ بك من الجبن والبخل ، وأعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهرالرجال
“Ya Allah! Aku berlindung denganMu dari dukacita dan sedih, aku berlindung denganMu dari sifat lemah dan malas, aku berlindung denganMu dari penakut dan kedekut dan aku berlindung denganMu dari konkongan hutang dan dan paksaan orang lain”.
Berkata Abu Umamah: “Aku melakukan seperti mana yang diajar oleh Nabi, maka Allah menghilangkan kedukaanku dan membebaskan aku dari segala hutangku”.
Di dalam doa di atas, Nabi s.a.w. mengajar kita untuk berlindung dengan Allah Ta’ala daripada perkara-perkara yang boleh menggagalkan kita di dalam kehidupan :
1. Perasaan dukacita dan sedih.
2. Rasa sempit dada, malas, pengecut/takut dan bakhil .
3. Tekanan-tekanan daripada luar seperti bebanan hutang, masalah keluarga dan sebagainya.
Manusia kalau hidupnya diselaputi kesedihan dan kedukaan atau merasa sempit dada (العجز) dan malas untuk berfikir dan bekerja (الكسل) atau takut untuk menghadapi realiti (الجبن) dan bakhil untuk mengorbankan apa yang dimiliki untuk mencapai cita-citanya (البخل) nescaya ia tidak akan mampu untuk menghadapi kehidupannya dengan kesungguhan dan keceriaan. Hidup terumbang -ambing dan ia tidak akan berupaya untuk mencipta suatu yang membanggakan di dalam kehidupannya iaitu kejayaan dan kegemilangan .
Begitu juga, sekiranya pemikirannya serabut disebabkan oleh tekanan -tekanan luaran seperti bebanan hutang, masalah keluarga, masalah peribadi dan sebagainya, ia tidak akan berupaya menghadapi sesuatu dengan penuh keyakinan.
Justeru itu semua faktor-faktor kegagalan ini hendaklah kita hindarkan daripada kehidupan kita. Disamping kita berdoa kepada Allah Ta’ala, kita juga hendaklah berusaha untuk membuang sifat-sifat negatif tadi serta menguatkan semangat dan ketahanan diri untuk berhadapan dengan segala masalah dan tekanan yang timbul dalam kehidupan kita.
Berkata Abu Umamah: “Aku melakukan seperti mana yang diajar oleh Nabi, maka Allah menghilangkan kedukaanku dan membebaskan aku dari segala hutangku”.
Di dalam doa di atas, Nabi s.a.w. mengajar kita untuk berlindung dengan Allah Ta’ala daripada perkara-perkara yang boleh menggagalkan kita di dalam kehidupan :
1. Perasaan dukacita dan sedih.
2. Rasa sempit dada, malas, pengecut/takut dan bakhil .
3. Tekanan-tekanan daripada luar seperti bebanan hutang, masalah keluarga dan sebagainya.
Manusia kalau hidupnya diselaputi kesedihan dan kedukaan atau merasa sempit dada (العجز) dan malas untuk berfikir dan bekerja (الكسل) atau takut untuk menghadapi realiti (الجبن) dan bakhil untuk mengorbankan apa yang dimiliki untuk mencapai cita-citanya (البخل) nescaya ia tidak akan mampu untuk menghadapi kehidupannya dengan kesungguhan dan keceriaan. Hidup terumbang -ambing dan ia tidak akan berupaya untuk mencipta suatu yang membanggakan di dalam kehidupannya iaitu kejayaan dan kegemilangan .
Begitu juga, sekiranya pemikirannya serabut disebabkan oleh tekanan -tekanan luaran seperti bebanan hutang, masalah keluarga, masalah peribadi dan sebagainya, ia tidak akan berupaya menghadapi sesuatu dengan penuh keyakinan.
Justeru itu semua faktor-faktor kegagalan ini hendaklah kita hindarkan daripada kehidupan kita. Disamping kita berdoa kepada Allah Ta’ala, kita juga hendaklah berusaha untuk membuang sifat-sifat negatif tadi serta menguatkan semangat dan ketahanan diri untuk berhadapan dengan segala masalah dan tekanan yang timbul dalam kehidupan kita.
* * * * *
Dalam saat-saat ini iaitu saat-saat dimana kita mengharapkan kejayaan samada di dalam imtihan atau dalam urusan yang lainnya, sengaja persoalan -persoalan di atas dipaparkan sebagai muhasabah untuk kita bersama agar ia dapat memberi semangat kepada orang yang telah atau sedang berusaha untuk terus berusaha mengejar cita-cita atau kepada mereka yang masih leka dan belum berusaha untuk mula mengorak langkah menuju cita-cita. Kalau kita tidak mula menabur benih, selama-lamanya kita tidak akan dapat menikmati hasilnya.
Kita kadang-kadang mengharapkan kejayaan sedangkan sebab-sebab kejayaan berada jauh daripada kita dan faktor-faktor kegagalan masih lagi melingkungi tubuh kita.Kesimpulannya, kejayaan akan tercipta dengan kita melakukan tiga perkara:
1-Melakukan semua sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada kejayaan.
2-Mampu menguasai diri sendiri.
3-Menghindari serta membuang segala faktor yang membawa kegagalan.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Too bad.I still had fever,cough and runny nose.Tired of blowing every min.Pale and my nose is so red.The weather is still freezing outside.Can I fast forward the time?Mama will be here next friday not this friday.I need her special care and i wish Papa is here too next friday.Sheeesshhh.This is the time I miss Papa and Mama's presence when im sick.
Back then,Papa took a good care of me when im sick.He worried too much than mom.He served me with panadol while mom will cooked me porridge.Basically both of them treated me like a princess.Well i received more special treat when im sick.I can demand anything.Even I'll ring my aunt to buy me nuggets only from Mcd when im sick.Everyone starts to worry when I had long extended fever.I usually admitted into hospital.Tragic isn't it?
Papa rang me this morn.He heard my "sengau"voice.He was in hurry because he had world conference today at Shangri-La today until end of this week.He asked me to get all sorts of medicine and makesure im all covered.I shall ring him back by tonite if im still in pain.Sigh.I miss him sgt-sgt.I miss papa sangattt.Words cannot express my feelings now.I really need my family.Everything is so dearest back home.
Nooooo,I need papa so much.I know he will comfort me and mama will always next to him.All i need is THEM.To this extend,can i request to go home?
This song really captured me this morn while checking my inbox.This song is about a guy who convinced a girl who he really loves .As cliche as it sounds, the only thing we can hold on to is trust and love.Frankly,I don't like to promise because i might break it.I believed relationship built with sincere heart.Good things last forever.
Too bad.I still had fever,cough and runny nose.Tired of blowing every min.Pale and my nose is so red.The weather is still freezing outside.Can I fast forward the time?Mama will be here next friday not this friday.I need her special care and i wish Papa is here too next friday.Sheeesshhh.This is the time I miss Papa and Mama's presence when im sick.
Back then,Papa took a good care of me when im sick.He worried too much than mom.He served me with panadol while mom will cooked me porridge.Basically both of them treated me like a princess.Well i received more special treat when im sick.I can demand anything.Even I'll ring my aunt to buy me nuggets only from Mcd when im sick.Everyone starts to worry when I had long extended fever.I usually admitted into hospital.Tragic isn't it?
Papa rang me this morn.He heard my "sengau"voice.He was in hurry because he had world conference today at Shangri-La today until end of this week.He asked me to get all sorts of medicine and makesure im all covered.I shall ring him back by tonite if im still in pain.Sigh.I miss him sgt-sgt.I miss papa sangattt.Words cannot express my feelings now.I really need my family.Everything is so dearest back home.
This song really captured me this morn while checking my inbox.This song is about a guy who convinced a girl who he really loves .As cliche as it sounds, the only thing we can hold on to is trust and love.Frankly,I don't like to promise because i might break it.I believed relationship built with sincere heart.Good things last forever.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Demi Masa
وَالْعَصْرِ(1)إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ(2)إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْ
“Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat menasehati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran”. (al-‘Asr: 1-3)
At times like this,I blamed myself for being really idiot.My broken heart should have been recovered by now.Unfortunately,Im stucked and refused to mend it.I have wasted my precious time by crying my heart out.He has put me through lots of burden.
Lesson learned.Im strong enough to deal with pain.Its bitter lesson but im sure Allah will never let me down all the time.Its the matter of time.Patience is a virtue.Allah has tested me in anyway.One door was closed and Allah has opened another door for me to walk through it.Yes,im stepping ahead.I mean,i took one step and leave my past behind.I keep on repeating to step forward but i did not but not this time!With the courage i had now,im fully recovered.
I'm thankful I've been given this much strength to get through things positively.Don't get me wrong.I havent met anyone at the mo.I just want to share the feelings of recovery.Things has been bitter for quite a long time and im done.Getting over it.Time is really priceless.I really need fresh air.Its the time to breath and live.
As scary as it may seem, it is interesting at the same time and to have to go through the rigorous years of mending broken heart,its the worst part in life.5 years of relationship taught me to be strong.Well,this is life.For now,im fully motivated.Im starting to appreciate my opportunity.Its part of growing.Enough of crying.Coffee sounds better now.
“Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat menasehati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran”. (al-‘Asr: 1-3)
At times like this,I blamed myself for being really idiot.My broken heart should have been recovered by now.Unfortunately,Im stucked and refused to mend it.I have wasted my precious time by crying my heart out.He has put me through lots of burden.
Lesson learned.Im strong enough to deal with pain.Its bitter lesson but im sure Allah will never let me down all the time.Its the matter of time.Patience is a virtue.Allah has tested me in anyway.One door was closed and Allah has opened another door for me to walk through it.Yes,im stepping ahead.I mean,i took one step and leave my past behind.I keep on repeating to step forward but i did not but not this time!With the courage i had now,im fully recovered.
I'm thankful I've been given this much strength to get through things positively.Don't get me wrong.I havent met anyone at the mo.I just want to share the feelings of recovery.Things has been bitter for quite a long time and im done.Getting over it.Time is really priceless.I really need fresh air.Its the time to breath and live.
As scary as it may seem, it is interesting at the same time and to have to go through the rigorous years of mending broken heart,its the worst part in life.5 years of relationship taught me to be strong.Well,this is life.For now,im fully motivated.Im starting to appreciate my opportunity.Its part of growing.Enough of crying.Coffee sounds better now.
Friday, 23 October 2009
The trip with Elina was entirely awesome although we didn't travel with a style.Mostly we spent on sight seeing and few shopping.I mean we shopped necessarily.I tried to inject Elina to buy Gucci & LV but this girl is so down-to-earth.Oh girl,u should reward urself after received the award(1st in Ireland for paper p5,ACCA).
We went up and down throughout the trip.The weather was chilly when we arrived and we took million of pictures at Duomo.Everything was perfect until around 4 pm.It was heavy rain and 2 of us had to use umbrella.Yes I'm upset but luckily we managed to stroll around Milan with the umbrella.Besides that,the transportation also very cheap.We bought 3 euros day tix where u can travel within 24 hours by their metro & bus!
The food was yummehhh!Its finger licking good and cheap but every restaurant we went to,charged us 2euros per person for service charge!Thats cruel isn't it?Instantly loved the pizza,pasta and gelatino(ice cream).Food sgtlah super fantastic.According to the travel guide,the coffee marv but hell no.Butler's coffee way way better ok!One thing i fancy most was,the cigarettes way to cheap.Dublin cost double ok:p
We managed to cover few places.The architecture also amazing.Basically Milan is not that big city but due to the weather,we couldnt finish everything.We didnt manage to visit the museums tho.Mostly we took pictures with monument.Later that night after had dinner,we went to our hostel but we wasn't lucky enough.The hostel was overbooked.They replaced us 3 *** Hotel which cost more.Luckily the management promised to pay the rest.So yeay!We were lucky to get double bed with own bathroom.
The trip as a whole was enjoyable.Elina and I managed to compromise everything.2 of us enjoyed the trip so much.Ultimately,its dangerous to travel in Italy kalu all girls because there were lots of pick pockets.Innitially we supposed to go with Amy but due to her masters work load,she cancelled.Well,i guess we will go again with her & tasha.Even better if we can shop those big labels.Dream on!
Im on medication now.Had fever since got back from Milan."Haaaa choooo MMMMMM".Excuse my grammatically error.I am really weak at the mo.More pictures in the facebook.
We went up and down throughout the trip.The weather was chilly when we arrived and we took million of pictures at Duomo.Everything was perfect until around 4 pm.It was heavy rain and 2 of us had to use umbrella.Yes I'm upset but luckily we managed to stroll around Milan with the umbrella.Besides that,the transportation also very cheap.We bought 3 euros day tix where u can travel within 24 hours by their metro & bus!
The food was yummehhh!Its finger licking good and cheap but every restaurant we went to,charged us 2euros per person for service charge!Thats cruel isn't it?Instantly loved the pizza,pasta and gelatino(ice cream).Food sgtlah super fantastic.According to the travel guide,the coffee marv but hell no.Butler's coffee way way better ok!One thing i fancy most was,the cigarettes way to cheap.Dublin cost double ok:p
We managed to cover few places.The architecture also amazing.Basically Milan is not that big city but due to the weather,we couldnt finish everything.We didnt manage to visit the museums tho.Mostly we took pictures with monument.Later that night after had dinner,we went to our hostel but we wasn't lucky enough.The hostel was overbooked.They replaced us 3 *** Hotel which cost more.Luckily the management promised to pay the rest.So yeay!We were lucky to get double bed with own bathroom.
The trip as a whole was enjoyable.Elina and I managed to compromise everything.2 of us enjoyed the trip so much.Ultimately,its dangerous to travel in Italy kalu all girls because there were lots of pick pockets.Innitially we supposed to go with Amy but due to her masters work load,she cancelled.Well,i guess we will go again with her & tasha.Even better if we can shop those big labels.Dream on!
Im on medication now.Had fever since got back from Milan."Haaaa choooo MMMMMM".Excuse my grammatically error.I am really weak at the mo.More pictures in the facebook.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Milan was impressive.I'll update later.I had headache at the mo.The weather is killing me.Hopefully Im free from fever-ish or else I will ended hiding under the duvet for the rest of the week.Naaahh.Few important agendas have to be sorted during the weekend.Anyways,Milan sgt lawa:)
Ya Allah,grant my wish.Let me stay stronger.Bestow me with pink of health and strength.
Please give me the courage to erase my past.I don't want to stuck innit forever.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Fedex sent me an invoice of VAT this morn.I was charged 23 euros for the package i received last september.WTH.Another hole in the bank.Off to Milan this wednesday.No way of buying things in Milan or else i have to declare myself broke.
OH NOooooooooo..
OH NOooooooooo..
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Belated celeb
We decided to dine in at Salamanca for Els' belated birthday dinner.It has been 3 weeks since her birthday and we havent got time to celebrate her.So yesterday,Mary booked the place and bought yummy strawberry cheese cake for Els.Poor els.She was injured after playing karting few days back.Thank god tak patah ok!Fuuh.Had fab time gelak-gelak,makan-makan,teasing each other(likewise),cam whoring & surprised Els with the cake.Els was touched:) Im instantly loved the food and cake.Haish,habis la diet!
But i guess its worth.(I have to fast for a week then!)
Happy 16th again Alyani.Ok,+8=24.
Akma,Waed & Mary
But i guess its worth.(I have to fast for a week then!)
Happy 16th again Alyani.Ok,+8=24.
Akma,Waed & Mary
Anyways,I miss to hang out with the girlfriends back in Malaysia.I miss to have a dinner & catching up with them.We usually do it every weekend and it has been a year.A year okkkk?Imagine how tons of rindu im having now!Takkk suka.Umi is going back to Malaysia for summer hols.Jealous:(
Clearly,I miss home.I miss to have all my friends around and not to mention family:(.I havent decided whats my next plan.Papa has given another chance for me to pursue ACCA instead of masters.I thought of going home and start my career.I can't stand homesick.Had enough of being apart from loved ones.
Clearly,I miss home.I miss to have all my friends around and not to mention family:(.I havent decided whats my next plan.Papa has given another chance for me to pursue ACCA instead of masters.I thought of going home and start my career.I can't stand homesick.Had enough of being apart from loved ones.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Raya mode
Officially ending my RAYA sakan yesterday.I was invited to Ivy Resident's biggest open house held at their place.It was combination of 10 houses appx.The cooking session started on friday where I was forced(kidding) to help them out.No,Bun nicely asked me to help them.I voluntarily came since I have nothing to do on friday night.Feels like kenduri kawin.There were almost 700 guests came.I stuffed with lotsa food.The food superb and I had fun eating every meal.So today i decided to fast.My tummy full with all the food.







and the fun will be incomplete without

Nevertheless,I am pleased to meet more people during the event.Atleast I get to know more people:)
My dearest bestie turns 24 on Monday.I love u kin!
Friday, 9 October 2009
Shocked,Paranoid and I am Dead.My dad ultimately registered on facebook and he just added me today.I didn't bother to check friends request this morn and straight away checked my inbox.He sent me a msg-"Hi,U ddk LEP ke?"Im likeeeeeee whattttttttttttttt on earth he's doing!!Is that papa?Panic.I didn't know whether should i approve him in my list of friends.I don't mind to have cousins and uncle in my list because they know my usual things.
I feel insecure to have dad in my list where everything will reveal especially my unhealthy stuff.He knows i have blog where he seldomly reads.So I prefer to keep my private life secret.Oh well,not that i didn't tell them every single thing i did but there are things u won't tell ur own mum and dad don't u?
Needless to say,I approved his request.I better be proper and well behave in the facebook.Papa is a wonderful man in my life.I cannot ignore the request just because im scared he will figures out bad things i did.After all,im not that bad though!Ok,may be a little.No,really,Im fine to have dad in my list of friends except ;
I need to be more appropriate when scribbing status and comments or else my dad will ended asking me tons of questions(why,when,what).Despite all that,I have to enter proper adulthood.growing up.I probably need to improve how i communicate with friends.I shall abstain myself from using;
"tak larat please.."
Ok,atleast slowing down abit.Hehe;p
Presenting daddy who has facebook account.Please don't tag any pictures yg merepek.I will ended asnwering his questions;p
Toodles ♥
I feel insecure to have dad in my list where everything will reveal especially my unhealthy stuff.He knows i have blog where he seldomly reads.So I prefer to keep my private life secret.Oh well,not that i didn't tell them every single thing i did but there are things u won't tell ur own mum and dad don't u?
Needless to say,I approved his request.I better be proper and well behave in the facebook.Papa is a wonderful man in my life.I cannot ignore the request just because im scared he will figures out bad things i did.After all,im not that bad though!Ok,may be a little.No,really,Im fine to have dad in my list of friends except ;
I need to be more appropriate when scribbing status and comments or else my dad will ended asking me tons of questions(why,when,what).Despite all that,I have to enter proper adulthood.growing up.I probably need to improve how i communicate with friends.I shall abstain myself from using;
"tak larat please.."
Ok,atleast slowing down abit.Hehe;p

Toodles ♥
Family etc
Monday, 5 October 2009
Tragically I was stucked at Immigrations Office to re-new my visa since 6.45 am.I woke up around 5,took quick shower,rushed to the office and the que was exessive long.So I qued right behind with all the immigrants.I felt like bangla waiting(I didnt mean to insult).I realised how pity those immigrants back in Malaysia when they que to re-new their visa. Around 8.00 am I got my number which was 240.Gosh.The officer asked me to come back at 10 am.Then I went to Ivy to get some rest while waiting for my turn.Luckily Mary cooked me keropok lekor and Els tagged along soon after.At 3.30 pm sharp,everything sorted.
It has been tiring and hectic day.Alhamdulillah,my visa has been extended and now im legal Irish citizen..Haha.Lols.The visa was expired 5 days back.Thank god the college letter was issued earlier but the bank statement took a while.Macam-macam ok.Well,I can't wait to go for hols.Off to Milan on 21st then London again with Mum on 8th November.I haven't decided yet to do my masters or pursuing ACCA next february.still in consideration to choose either one.Papa wants me to do masters because he thinks I can lecture while Mama wants me to do my ACCA.Thats hard to decide though!
Despite all that,Bun and Els finally came back after 2 and half weeks of holidays.Balik raya la katakan!Bun has a new hair cut and Els put some colours.Both beraya sakan.Im so excited to get my kuih telinga keling and keropok from Els.Thanks girls.After done with visa application,I went back to Ivy to catch up with the girls.Long catching up.Boo.Everyone has been talking about wedding.Im stress now.
Off to bed.I really need to qada' my sleep.Sorry it wasn't too tragic to re-new the visa because its a must.exaggerating lebih!
It has been tiring and hectic day.Alhamdulillah,my visa has been extended and now im legal Irish citizen..Haha.Lols.The visa was expired 5 days back.Thank god the college letter was issued earlier but the bank statement took a while.Macam-macam ok.Well,I can't wait to go for hols.Off to Milan on 21st then London again with Mum on 8th November.I haven't decided yet to do my masters or pursuing ACCA next february.still in consideration to choose either one.Papa wants me to do masters because he thinks I can lecture while Mama wants me to do my ACCA.Thats hard to decide though!
Despite all that,Bun and Els finally came back after 2 and half weeks of holidays.Balik raya la katakan!Bun has a new hair cut and Els put some colours.Both beraya sakan.Im so excited to get my kuih telinga keling and keropok from Els.Thanks girls.After done with visa application,I went back to Ivy to catch up with the girls.Long catching up.Boo.Everyone has been talking about wedding.Im stress now.
Off to bed.I really need to qada' my sleep.Sorry it wasn't too tragic to re-new the visa because its a must.exaggerating lebih!
Saturday, 3 October 2009
It was freaking freezing on my way back from Anna's place for open house.I have been eating voraciously but I managed to control it since my baju kurung quite small.Hahaha;p
Yeay!another new blogger!My bestie,Aysha finally created her blog after ages!Boo.Incase u come across this yang,I miss u dearly sgt sgt.Thanks for putting up our pictures.Its an honoured to have such a wonderful friend like u.Ok,i kipas nie!
Yeay!another new blogger!My bestie,Aysha finally created her blog after ages!Boo.Incase u come across this yang,I miss u dearly sgt sgt.Thanks for putting up our pictures.Its an honoured to have such a wonderful friend like u.Ok,i kipas nie!
My close-not-by blood-brother got married.Im glad he found his life partner.To Salihin and Shakey,Congratulation on ur wedding.Sorry i couldnt be there to celebrate both of you and miss the chance to eye-ing on cute guys!Cis;p
Fate has brought them together.Who would expect,Salihin and Shakey will ended together.They were only friends who occasionally meet during UMNO's meeting.After what both of them went through before,they fall for each other.Salihin told me,"There will be one day,one person at one time and become your one and only".
Salihin was my senior back in Uitm literally.We found out that we lived in the same housing area.Small world indeed.We often catching up at mamaks now and then.He is like my own brother who i always referred to while Shakey happened to be Ambee and Zeileen's friend.We were connected through UMNO.Now, 2 hearts join in one ceremony.The solemnization held at Shakey's place yesterday.Syukur,Alhamdulillah.
My close-not-by blood-brother got married.Im glad he found his life partner.To Salihin and Shakey,Congratulation on ur wedding.Sorry i couldnt be there to celebrate both of you and miss the chance to eye-ing on cute guys!Cis;p
Fate has brought them together.Who would expect,Salihin and Shakey will ended together.They were only friends who occasionally meet during UMNO's meeting.After what both of them went through before,they fall for each other.Salihin told me,"There will be one day,one person at one time and become your one and only".
Salihin was my senior back in Uitm literally.We found out that we lived in the same housing area.Small world indeed.We often catching up at mamaks now and then.He is like my own brother who i always referred to while Shakey happened to be Ambee and Zeileen's friend.We were connected through UMNO.Now, 2 hearts join in one ceremony.The solemnization held at Shakey's place yesterday.Syukur,Alhamdulillah.
Rock Kapak
Im not rock kapak's fan honestly.I never karaoke back in Malaysia..I usually sit and enjoyed looking at friends melalak.Frankly.I listened to those rock kapak songs as I grew up with uncles who loved those back in their era (90s).
and today,
I have sung the song above at NMS for the very 1st time eventhough its not my favourite.Apparently the girl inside the video is my long lost friend zaza whom i know through yuyu 9 years ago.Seriously,I sang like mad.Btw,My favourite girls band back in 90s was Feminin.I even formed group consist of my primary school friends (Fairuz,Sabrina,Haikal,Shahida and I).We won 1st place during the talent time.Gosh.How time flies.
p/s:Rock Kapak not just for mat rempits ok!
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